• No current tenders available.

  • No current quotations

Procurement Policy

Croydon Shire Council officers are required to conduct their procurement activities in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009  and the Local Government Regulation 2012,  as well as Council's Procurement Policy and Code of Conduct.
Procurement Policy - Version 8

Procurement Process Conditions

The Procurement Process Conditions are the terms and conditions that are included as part of a Request for Tender or Request for Quatation, which set out the procedural rules that will govern a tender or procurement process, including the requirements for a compliant Tender and the evaluation criteria and process for evaluating, selecting and/or rejecting tenders received.
Procurement Process Conditions (effective from 1 November 2020)

Standard terms and conditions

The Standard Terms and Conditions govern the purchase of goods and/or services by Croydon Shire Council.

Council many incorporate these Standad Terms and Conditions for Goods and/or Services into a contract with a Supplier. However, the Standard Terms and Conditions for Goods and/or Services will not apply to any engagement for which Council has provided a written contract incorporating alternative terms and conditions to the Supplier.

Standard Terms and Conditions - Good and Services (effective from 1 October 2020)

Standard Terms and Conditions - Services (effective from 1 October 2020)